We conduct a comprehensive clinical evaluation to diagnose neurodevelopmental conditions such as ADHD or Learning Disabilities. It is important to rule out alternative causes for the cognitive and behavioral difficulties and consider co-existing or pre-existing conditions. The evaluation includes careful assessment of the patient’s history, an extensive clinical interview, cognitive testing when indicated, rating scales for parents, teachers and patients, and collaboration with other professionals. A typical evaluation requires about five hours of clinical assessment and can be performed over more than one session.


Children and families with neuro-developmental conditions may benefit from counseling with a therapist who is specialized in this area. Families who are affected by ADHD or Learning Disabilities often experience high levels of stress and conflict. In counseling sessions we develop strategies and tools that support positive change.


Coaching targets the main problems of ADHD such as planning, time management, goal setting, organization and problem solving in a very practical way.  Together, the coach and the individual with ADHD identify how the symptoms of ADHD affect their daily lives. Then the coach helps the client to learn practical skills and to implement strategies so that daily tasks can be performed successfully.  


Almost all families or individuals who are affected by ADHD or a learning difficulty benefit from psychoeducational group programs.  Our group program provides comprehensive information on ADHD and research-based treatment approaches. The primary goal of the group programs is to help families develop and implement strategies that improve organization, planning, and time management, focus, and task completion.  Other topics cover ways to collaborate with schools and teachers, strategies for homework, and routines at home.  The content of the group programs is grounded on well-established scientific evidence.


This 4-week group program provides comprehensive information on what ADHD is and current evidence-based treatment options.  Practical skills and strategies how to manage ADHD at home and at school will be developed. We will also discuss how these strategies can be successfully implemented.  The group meets 90 minutes every week.


Are you a middle school or high school student and you get poor grades because you miss assignments or you forget to turn in your work? Are you sometimes poorly prepared for tests and fall behind schoolwork? This 4-week program will teach you strategies and ways how you can be successful in school. We will talk about how you can best learn and study when you have ADHD, how you can manage your time and and organize your work.  The group meets 90 minutes each week. 


Many adults struggle with organizational and planning tasks or find it difficult to follow through with plans. Often adult ADHD is the cause for these problems. This group focuses on identifying in which areas of your life poor executive functioning skills cause problems.  We discuss and develop solutions based on scientific research that can improve work place performance and reduce conflict and stress at home. Groups meet for 90 minutes each week.